Ray DeSouzaO verão em NavaisO vento sopra fortemente e o verão escorrega para fora. real, só porque de um fio de memória de uns dias com algumas libélulas - e um, com…Aug 20Aug 20
Ray DeSouzasummer passes, and other things too….dragonfly blows dry the morning dew, wings a-buzz with the thick call of summer.Jul 23Jul 23
Ray DeSouzamoon firebecalmed amongst a sea of starlight, expectant souls whisper and wonder at Her stolen glory, as she casts cold comfort upon the hopeful and…May 24May 24
Ray DeSouzain timein the calm rupture of my soul, quenched flames burn anew with the old magic. a simmering primeval brew, of which, I’ll share with you.Feb 12Feb 12
Ray DeSouzaGarçasky ablaze in gorgeous cool calm, i slip into a reverie of what could be. Perhaps indeed, of what will be.Jan 28Jan 28
Ray DeSouzaghost and shadowyesterday beckons so sweetly, longingly calling to the longing in your heart.Jan 9Jan 9
Ray DeSouzaliftgentled and hungry and hopeful eyes reach up to touch the cold dark wonder of the night.Dec 16, 2023Dec 16, 2023